Bellary Diocese

Ballari Hosts Diocesan Yuvajanotsava - 2017

23th October, 2017: Yuvajanotsava 2017 with the theme “Touched by Jesus, walking his way” began on 19th evening at at St. Anthony’s hall Ballari with the prayer conducted by Fr.Prem OFM, Diocesan Youth Director. There was cultural programme, animation as well as sharing of the "Life and Charism" of the founder of some religious sisters congregation. The Inauguration to this programme was held on 20th October at Most rev. Dr. Henry D’Souza, bishop of Bellary Diocese, Mr. Venkataramana, Mayar of Ballari, Mr. Ravi, Congress Member, Fr. Peter, Dean of Bellary, Fr. Prem D’Souza OFM, Diocesan Youth Director Mr. Das, the Bellary Chairman for Youth, Sr. Lilly, Diocesan Youth Lady Animator, Mr. Augustine, Diocesan Youth President were present. It was three days programme the youth were informed with various aspects of life, Fr. Nathan spoke on ‘Youth and spiritual life. Mrs. Gayathri, DSP, on “Crime and women empowerment”, Sijo and team, Jesus youth members, gave a session on “Touched by Jesus walking his way.” Mr. Harry D’Souza, on “minority benefits,” Fr. Mari Joseph spoke on ‘Youth and media,” Mrs. Manjuala on “Prolife”, Fr. Anil, D’Sa, Regional youth Director “Youth and peace” Mr. Nasir, “Youth and Politics (Political empowerment)”, Fr. Deepak, Nation Youth Director, was present. He offered mass and inaugurated the Youth Peace Rally on 21st evening. Apart from these, Taize prayer and confession, youth peace rally and camp fire were organised. In all these events and activities the youth actively participated. On 22nd October at 12.30 pm was the concluding ceremony of the Youth Convention. Most Rev. Dr. Henry D’Souza, Bishop of Bellary, Mr. Nasir, National Congress spokes Person, Fr. Prem D’Souza, Diocesan youth Director, Mr. Ravi, Congress member, Mr. Das, Youth chairman Bellary, Mr. Augustine, Diocesan youth president were present. Most. Rev. Dr. Henry D’Souza, Bishop of Bellary, invited the youth to be active in the parishes and enthusiastically spread the good news of Christ through word and deed. The organising committee were thanked by Bishop and were given mementos. Fr. Prem D’Souza, thanked all the youth who participated in the Convention. He also thanked all the sponsors and the priests who sent the youth for the Yuvajanotsava-2017 and contributed for the programme. There were over 300 youth of the Diocese of Bellary for this Yuvajanotsava-2017.
