Mandya Diocese
KRCBC-Youth Commission organized the 12th Karnataka Regional Youth Convention YUVAJANOTSAVA-2022 from 22-25th Oct 2022
Karnataka Regional Youth Commission under the auspices of KRCBC-Youth Commission organized the 12th Karnataka Regional Youth Convention YUVAJANOTSAVA-2022 from 22-25th Oct 2022 on the theme “SPRINGS”- Youth Called to be Free, To Grow and to Serve.The diocese of Mandya hosted the Regional Convention at Christ School Auditorium, Bangalore. The COVID-19 Pandemic has made whole world ups and down, spreading exponentially slowing down entire global system past two years.It also affected the young energy and created several disruption among youth. The YUVAJANOTSAVA-2022 was a new springtime to the youth of Karnataka who witnessed the Mega gathering after long time.They could able to interact, reflect and discern on the theme. The eminent resource persons touched the heart of the youth and made them proactive to the challenges they face in society. The Eucharist celebration in different rites, healing experience in the sacrament of reconciliation integrated during the Taize prayer cherished the spiritual enhancement among the youth.