KRCBC-Youth Council
27 th ICYM Council & the Regional Election
Karnataka Region
The KRCBC-Youth Commission organized the 27 th ICYM Council and the Regional
Executive Committee (REXCO) election on December 9-10, 2023, at the Regional Pastoral
Centre, Bengaluru. It was a two-day programme in which the leaders from each diocese,
along with their directors and animators participated. The first day, there was a leadership
orientation programme for the DEXCO members and nominated candidates for the regional
election. Mr. Jose Jacob, the founder and CEO of Integro InfoTech & consulting draws the
attention of young leaders to the different aspects of leadership that are needed in today’s
world. He challenged them to consider and acknowledge their potential to establish
themselves as legitimate leaders in both the church as well as in society. The programme was
enlightening and revitalizing for the young minds to think creatively and to act positively to
meet the needs of the requirements.
The KRCBC- Youth Commission head, Rt. Rev Dr. Henry D’souza, the diocese of Bellary,
spoke to the council the following day and exhorted the participants to be devoted and
committed church leaders. Later on, Fr. Mari Joseph, the former regional youth director of
Karnataka, conducted the election for the regional executive committee (REXCO). The
nominated exuberant leaders from each diocese were introduced to the council and the youth
leaders elected Mr Sanjay Orwin D’Souza from the Diocese of Mangalore as the Youth
President of Karnataka Region and his team, the new regional executive committee
(REXCO) 2023-25, for the next two years.