Bangalore Diocese
ICYM Basilica Deanery Youth Leaders Pledge themselves to be Active in the Church
Youth Leaders Training program at Basilica deanery was held in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Halasur on Saturday 18th September 2021. Seven parishes of Basilica deanery were represented Total of 65 youth leaders attended the programme. Fr Anil D’sa the youth director of the Bangalore archdiocese, presiding over the function exhorted the youth to be the agents of change in the church and the society. He challenged them to reach out to the needy in times of crisis as many youth did during the pandemic.
Other dignitaries Fr Richard the assistant youth director, Sr Anjeline SCB the Lady youth animator, Fr Sampath the joint secretary, Mr Jerry, Mr. Sebe, Ms. Navya Mr. Nevin, Mr. Harry, and Mr. Noel - the Diocesan Executive Committee members joined their voice in appreciating the deanery youth leaders for their active presence in their respective parishes.
The youth were happy and appreciated the training program. As they expressed their gratitude the young people assured of their active and whole hearted cooperation for forth upcoming activities. An action plan was drawn up for the deanery level youth programmes along with the deanery core team. Fr Jayaraj the youth coordinator of the Basilica deanery was thanked for accepting to accompany the youth in the deanery.
Fr Anil D'sa expressed his gratitude to Rev Fr Arokya Swamy D, the dean for hosted the programme and for his constant support and encouragement. Deacon Pradeep and the Our Lady of Lourds youth were thanked for seeing to every details of the prohgramme.