Chikmagalur Diocese
“A Day with the Lord” Youth Retreat at Chikmagalur
ICYM Diocese of Chikmagalur had organised one day retreat on the theme “A Day with the Lord” at CMSSS Hassan on 2nd April 2022. Very Rev. Fr. Patrick Johnnes Rao Dean of Hassan Deanery and Rev. Fr. Francis Xavier Archdiocese of Bengaluru were invited to animate the retreat.
In the inaugural session Fr. Vinay Kumar, Diocesan Youth Director Chikmagalur welcomed the preachers, animators and diocese youths and invited them to experience the love of God and gave a call to repent for the sins. Later the cathedral youth Retreat team engaged the youths with the praise and worship. Rev. Fr. Francis Xavier Archdiocese of Bengaluru took up the morning session on role of catholic youths in present society, repentance for our sins, life during lent session, respect for parents and neighbours. The morning session was concluded with Eucharistic Celebration at Navasadana Jesuit Novices House, followed by lunch break.
Afternoon session started with adoration and preparation for confession by Rev. Fr. Francis Xavier and Fr. Vinay Kumar, the cathedral youth Retreat team engaged the youths with the praise and worship. After confession and adoration the second session was carried by Fr. Patrick Johannes Roa, he inspired many youths with his speech and shared about his journey of 30 years with youths and their problems. Around 200 youths from more than 20 parish of Chikamagalur dioceses had participated in this one day retreat, many youths were touched and inspired by the inspiration talks and by the love of God almighty. The retreat was concluded by felicitating the Preachers, vote of thanks and Group photo. It was a great event with lots of learning, fun full activities, praise & worship and of course with the blessings of God almighty.
Reported By:
Mr. Henry Roshan
General Secretary
Chikkamagalur Diocese.