“Journey to the Cross”
13th March will be a day to remember for all the people who were a part of the Bangalore Catholic youth Group during their younger days. Around 100 faithful gathered together to reflect on the Passion of Lord while also reminiscing their days as youth of the church alongside.
The day started with fellowship as all were happy to meet and greet, talk to old friends and be blessed by the occasion of catching up with all the old timers and their families. The meditation of the stations of the cross was called the “Journey to the Cross” as we wanted to part take in this not just as a remembrance of the suffering of Christ but also to walk along with him to the cross experiencing the pain and struggle he took upon himself so that we could live. All the faithful gathered at the foothills of Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Whitefield. The first 5 Stations were lead by the faithful from Holy Family Church followed by Sacred Church and Our Lady of Fatima Church. The Journey to the cross was a divine experience with the beautiful reflection songs by these Churches and the rendition of all 14 stations by the leaders.
The best part of the Journey to the Cross was the final blessing by our Msgr. Jayanadan, Parish Priest of Our Lady of Lourdes Church who was ever so kind to share with all of us the story of being humble, patience and forgiving this season of Lent. He offered the Blessings of Christ with the Cross that had journeyed the Original stations in Israel where Our Lord died for us.
This will be cherished as an experience of a lifetime with all the part takers taking home the Blessings from the Cross, a heart of repentance, the peace of Christ and gratefulness for his mercy.