KAIROS Praise Warriors

From October 31st to November 3rd, 2024, the YU4C India and ICYM India hosted a spiritual odyssey in Pondicherry-Cuddalore Archdiocese. Led by Fr. Maria Xavier, out of the 45 Mysore Diocesan Youth worship Leaders 22 of them made their debut leading praise and worship on the third day. It was a soul stirring experience, spreading divine energy with their melodic manna! The moving musical moments lifted the 5000+ youth to deepen their divine and human connection, calling forth a response to God’s grace. Mysore youth’s led harmonious praises immersing all in God’s presence, where heaven and earth met. Congratulations to you all for sharing inspirational rhythms for divine touch and making it a graceful moment! May your roots grow deeper in Christ, leading to life transforming encounters with the divine.
