Bellary Diocese
KRCBC – Youth Commission
27th KRYC Council & Evaluation Meeting
On 8th January, 2023 the Karnataka Regional Youth Commission organized the 27th KRYC Council and RYC Evaluation Meeting at Sagariga Hall, NBCLC Bangalore. The meeting began with the inaugural Holy Eucharist on the feast of Epiphany of Our Lord presided by Bp. Henry D’Souza the chairperson of the Youth Commission concelebrated by the DYDs at 9.00 AM
Bishop Henry D’Souza in his Keynote address, exhorted the youth animators and Youth Directors to touch the lives of youth who can be great in many diverse ways. He urged them to reach out to all the youth, especially to those who are in difficulties. Not to hesitate to love the youth especially those who are habitually keeping themselves away from the church and those who are addicted to bad habits. He called on the youth to participate in synodal. Leaders of youth are called upon to be servants without using power. Be spotters of talents among the youth.
The REXCO presented the 12thYuvajanothsava report. The newly elected YCS NEXCO representatives Amica Frank of Mangalore Diocese and Anson Nazareth of Udupi Diocese were felicitated who will participate in the forthcoming election of NEXCO in May 2023. The new DYD of Mandya diocese, Fr Peter was welcomed. The new director of LOGOS Youth Movement (LYM), Fr Varghese Thomas was felicitated and welcomed to the KRCBC Youth Commission.
After having presented before the Council the income and expenditure of the Youth Convention by Fr. Lourd Raj, the evaluation of the 12th Youth Convention was taken up. Some language suggestions, to respect the DYDs regarding the identity cards, Taize prayer, a concession for the youth of far away dioceses in the registration fees, keeping the limited number for participation in the convention from each diocese, to be focused on the theme during the cultural presentation were put forth. Some appreciated the Interface session at the same time opined that it could be more effective if the questions were given earlier. Some youth voiced out that to have more group activities given to faith formation, to insert in the bag the printed material to read by the youth on the theme. Some dioceses did very well and behaved well. Better quality of youth participated. In the end, all appreciated and saluted the hosting Mandya diocese for all their super arrangements and facilities made available for the convention.
Bishop Henry in his concluding remarks acknowledged and appreciated the Mandya Diocese for all the troubles taken. He asked the Youth Directors to encourage the youth who have scored 90% above academically for skill training and higher studies such as IAS and KAS. FrLourd Raj thanked all the DYDs for their collaboration during Youth Convention. He encouraged the participants to purchase the YouCat at a minimal rate. He also encouraged the youth to send to him the names of the youth who require financial help for any skill training to be sent to a group who have come forward to train. He announced that there is an accommodation facility at KROSS for the youth who appear for exams. DYD or the parish priest have to recommend them such youth before sending. MrNevin Antony responded to all the concerns mentioned in the evaluation. FrLourd Raj proposed a vote of thanks and concluded the KRYC Meeting at 1.00 PM.