Karnataka Regional YCS / YSM Council
Place : Regional Pastoral Centre KROSS. Bangalore

August 3rd, 2013 : Minutes of the council The Karnataka Regional YCS/YSM Council was held on 3rd August 2013 at Regional Pastoral Centre Bangalore. The program was inaugurated by a prayer led by Mangalore diocese. There were 30 participants from different dioceses namely Belgaum, Mangalore, Mysore, Shimoga, Gulbarga and Udupi. Regional YCS/YSM president Mr. Josline vas welcomed the guest and the council members. Sr.Margret was the Chief Guest and the Resource Person of the day. The Report of the previous meeting was read by Regional YCS/YSM secretary Ms. Enola Mr.josline vas Regional president proposed and seconded by Mr.Roshan Lobo DEXCO of Mangalore diocese. Fr.Mari Joseph gave the introduction to the council and purpose of the council. In His sharing he called everyone to live YCS/YSM spirit in day today life.

Miss Jovita NEXCO introduced Sr. Margret to the council and Sr. Margret in her input session gave a brief history and responsibilities about YCS/YSM office bearers.

The next session started after the tea break which was led by Ms. Jovita, Ms. Nirma and the REXCO members. Ms. Nirma explained in short the importance of YCS/YSM in her life. Ms. Rosalia cardoza NEXCO asked to reach out YCS/YSM in the Diocese and places where there is no YCS/YSM and make

YCS/YSM strong in the Region. Ms. Jovita explained certain important things with the council which is as follows:
Action plans: • Clearing of the terms like:
DEXCO - 1 yr term, REXCO-2yr term, NEXCO - 3 yr term.

Extension/Revival of moment:
Regional animators training program for 2days program in October at KROSS Bangalore. Regional animators training program and council meeting is hosted by Region.

After the lunch Regional team had a meeting to decide election mode and decided one vote for one diocese in case of tie Regional team has one vote.
CAT program the RYD has to stress upon YCS/YSM Animators and Directors.

Afternoon session started with the Experience sharing of YCS/YSM life by (Regional Team) Ms. Jovita, Mr. Villas, Mr.Josline, and Ms. Enola dsa. As a Inter diocesan village exposure camps are encouraged.

preparation for election Sr. Margret gave the information about the Regional council and she put forth the information and the rules and regulations of At least once in six month Regional committee meeting. First Regional committee meeting will be in Mangalore. The next Regional committee meeting will be decided in that meeting. This committee meetings hosted by the diocese.
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the elections.
Inter diocesan village exposure camps are encouraged.

The elections were as follows: for the post of president the candidates were Ms. Frevita from Mangalore Diocese, Mr. Christ Vivek from Shimoga Students should take initiative and move forward.

Diocese and Mr.Anup from Belgaum Diocese. With simple majority Council elected Ms. Frevita of Mangalore Diocese for the president post. Then for the Visit of units.

post of Vice President the candidates were Mr. Anup Lobo from Belgaum Diocese and Mr. Christ Vivek from Shimoga Diocese, Council elected Mr. Christ Meet school leaders.

Vivek from Shimoga Diocese for the Vice President post. For the post of the Secretary Ms. Disha from Belgaum Diocese got elected unanimously. The Regional team work for Extension of YCS/YSM through Personal visit and having Resource team.

post of treasurer the candidates were Ms. Nishitha and Mr. Floid and Ms. Nishitha from Shimoga Diocese got elected. The rest unanimously elected Translation of constitution of YCS/YSM to local language in Kannada once final copy comes.

posts were Reporter as Mr. Johan from Udupi Diocese and Joint Secretary Mr. Floid from Mangalore Diocese.

Fund raising :
Collect membership fee Rupees 2 should be sent to each Diocese, Region and the Nation.
The REXCO’s of 2011-2013 were felicitated with a certificate of appreciation and shawl by Fr. Mari Joseph. Then the council participated in the Eucharistic celebration offered by Fr.Ronald Veigas. At the end of the Mass the handing over ceremony and the oath taking ceremony was taken place in the chapel. The council meeting came to an end at 5.30 PM.
