Bangalore Diocese
Kolar Deanery Hosts Parish Youth Leaders' Meet
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” John C. Maxwell.
A one day deanery level Paris Youth Leaders’ Meet was held at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Kolara on 12th September 2021. All the eight parishes of of Kolara deanery sent their youth leaders for the programme. Total of 60 youth leaders attended the programme.
The youth meet began with the holy Eucharist celebrated by Rev Fr. Arul Sampath the joint secretary of the youth commission at 8am. It was followed by formal inauguration of the programme in the church hall. Fr Anil D’sa the youth director of the Bangalore archdiocese presided over the function along with Sr Anjeline SCB the Lady youth animator, Fr Sampath, Mr Nevin the Diocesan Executive Committee member Deacon Nicky, Mr Abhishek the local youth president and Sr Jolly SAB the local youth animator.
Interactive and activity based sessions on Chistus Vivit, Need of Youth Groups, Dynamics of Indian Catholic Youth Movement and other sessions were conducted by the Yuva Chethana Team the youth commission of the Archdiocese of Bangalore. Group discussions and sharing of youth concerns and aspiration were facilitated where a lot of youth expressed their concerns and expectation in the general forum. An action plan for the effective functioning of youth groups in their respective parishes was prepared and shared.
The young people were greatly satisfied with the programme and expressed their gratitude and appreciation for all the people concerned. Mr Vasanth from Kadisenahalli said "More such meetings will increase the bond between the catholic youth of the deanery and they will be able to reach out to the church and the society collectively" Many other youth too expressed their compliments for the excellent way of planning and execution of the programme with the support of the local youth.
Fr Anil D’sa expressed his gratitude to Rev Fr Christopher Crasta, the dean for seeing to every details and hosting the leaders’ meet in his deanery. Participation of youth leaders from every parish of the deanery was commendable. The youth meet came to an end with a group photo and solemn lunch sponsored by the Dean Rev. Fr. Christopher Crasta.