Ms. Supriya Varghese, Secretary General of ICYM INDIA
The Karnataka Regional Youth Commission is glad to inform that Ms. Supriya
Varguese, who belongs to the diocese of Shimoga and was elected as regional
representative to the national in the regional election that took place on 10 th
December 2023, has been elected as general secretary of the Indian Catholic Youth
Commission (ICYM), India, in the recent National Council & Election which took
place on 23 rd January 2024 in Kathgodam, Uttarkhand.
Ms. Supriya was a vibrant member of the Shimoga diocese, who served as president
and organized numerous youth programmes. Her wealth of expertise has been a
blessing to the Karnatakla region. The KRCBC-Youth Commission congratulates her
on her recent appointment as general secretary of ICYM India and wishes her
continued success in her new role.