ICYM Mangalore Diocese
ICYM Youth setting an example to others by their Noble work
On the occasion of the Year of Youth -2019, Indian Catholic Youth Movement, Central Council Diocese of Mangalore built a house for a needy family of Adam-kudru, Permanur. The inauguration and blessing ceremony of the house was held on Sunday 28 March at 4.00 p.m.
Mr Leon Loyd Saldanha, ICYM President, welcomed the guests and the gathering and on behalf of the family Mrs Christine D’Souza welcomed the guests.
Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore Diocese inaugurated the house by cutting the ribbon, he blessed the house and lead the prayer service.
Very Rev. Fr Cyprian Pinto, Vicar Forane South Deanery and parish priest of Permanur, Rev Fr J B Saldanha, parish priest Bejai, Rev Fr Ronald Prakash D’Souza, former ICYM Diocesan Youth director and parish priest Gantalkatte, Fr Ashwin Cardoza, ICYM Director ,Leon Loyd Saldanha, ICYM President , Mrs Christine D'Souza Ward Gurkar and Mr Walter D'Souza family member were the dignitaries on the dais.
Fr Ashwin Cardoza gave an introductory speech about how each one served for the cause and congratulated the youth for their selfless service. Fr J B Saldanha in his speech mentioned about the family and the struggles they had to face. He said that it was the most deserving family of Permanur parish and he also thanked and appreciated the youth for their generosity.
Fr Cyprian Pinto spoke about how he kept the youth active right from altar boys, YCS, ICYM and other associations. He said the Diocese and other associations take up such initiatives to donate the house for the poor but today the youth have shown their capability and capacity which is really appreciated.
Fr Ronald Prakash D’Souza spoke about the initial collection done to build the house and said that ICYM Diocesan committee got a bumper offer to serve for 2 years. The committee led by Leon not only started the collection for the cause but also got an opportunity to build the house and appreciated the whole team.
Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, addressed the youth and the members of ICYM Central Council for their interest towards social service and appreciated their hard work. Youth today can be of great influence like atomic energy, where one’s work and achievement motivates the other and that youth motivates some others; causing a chain reaction for the betterment of society. He said youth can make things possible and if youth are united, they can definitely achieve and reach greater heights.
As a token of gratitude and love mementos were handed over by the Bishop to people who helped and worked for the cause. Veena Vas Secretary ICYM, proposed the vote of thanks. Ashwin Sequeira compered the program. The program concluded with the ICYM theme song.