Belgum Diocese
YCS/YSM One day Programme at St Anthony's High School in Belgum
The YCS/YSM Belgaum Diocese organized a one-day programme on 27th August 2022, at St. Anthony School, in Belgaum. There were participants from St. Anthony's School and St Xavier's School the others schools could not make it due to their exams.
Annie Lobo, the REXCO member, began the program by quoting "Many are called, but only a few are chosen." Fr.Roshan, the diocesan YCS/YSM chaplain, welcomed the gathering; later the programme was taken over by the resource person, Fr. Anil D'sa the Asian chaplain of YCS/YSM.
He began the session with an action song and a few games to make the children more attentive.In his session, he added the importance of being human in society, the Maslows law, the stages of development in human beings, the advantage and disadvantage of excessive use of social media, the causes of death among youth and so on.He continued in the second session to discussthe need for YCS/YSM and its importance. Later, througha video clip,he facilitated the studentsdiscussion in the group by applying methodology.The students had enjoyed and benefited from the sessions.
Atthe end,Annie Lobo thanked the director, the resource person and all the facilitators. Thus, the programme concluded by stating the goal of YCS YSM - CHANGE SELF CHANGE OTHERS.
Annie Lobos
General Secretary