Bangalore Diocese
RYC-2022 First Preparatory Meeting
The Karnataka Regional Youth Commission organized the First Preparatory Meeting of the Regional Youth Convention 2022 on May 24, 2022 at KROSS, Bangalore. There were 43 council members comprised of Directors, Animators and Youth Leaders across Karnataka who attended the preparatory meeting. The council meeting began with a short inaugural ceremony at 9.45am by watering the sapling and a short prayer service led by the YCS/YSM REXCO Team. Mr.Vance RionD’souza, Vice President, YCS/YSM, Karnataka, welcomed the dignitaries and the gathering. The dignitaries for the day were: Rt. Rev Dr. Henry D’souza,the Chairman of the KRCBC-Youth Commission, Rev Fr. Lourd Raj, Regional Youth Director ICYM, Karnataka, RYLA, ICYM, Karnataka, Mr. Antony Judy, National Youth President ICYM, INDIA,MrNevin Antony,Regional Youth President ICYM Karnataka, and MrBriston President YCS/YSM Karnataka, Mr. Jose Jacob, Founder, IntegroInfoTech and President Abide and Sr Jessy Rita BS, former Joint secretary.
In the key-note address, Bishop Henry D’Souza recalled the memories of Synod 2018, which he was invited to attend. The youth who were at the periphery at the beginning of the synod were brought to the center at the end of the synod.He continued by saying that while the church is in the process of synodality. The theme of the synod is communion, participation and mission. The church is one community with multiple gifts of the spiritand is supposed to be a living temple. The Pope is asking all to listen to each other just as Jesus listened and accompanied the disciples on the way to Emmaus. All of us are authorized to participate in the mission of the church. All are requested to collaborate to make the regional youth convention a success by making every parish represented by three youth. After the key-note address, the bishop felicitated the national youth president Mr Antony Judy.
After the tea break, the members were animated through an animation song led by YCS/ YSM members. All the participants introduced themselves.
In the second session,Fr Lourd Raj introduced the agenda of the preparatory meeting. MrNevin moderated the agenda session. At first,MrNevin thanked all the DYDs and the youth who participated in the National Youth Conference 2022, held at Nadiad, Gujarat. He also urged the council members to send a suitable and interested candidates to participate in the upcoming ACT Programme organized by the national team at NBCLC, Bangalore.
Fr Lourd Raj thanked the dioceses and directors who responded to the call to pay the membership amount to the region. He also reminded again the council to pay the amount if it is not done yet.
Later, we came to the important agenda, i.e., the Regional Youth Convention 2022. Fr Lourd Raj thanked Rt Rev Dr Sebastian, Bishop of Mandya, for having accepted to host the 12th Regional Convention on October 20-23, 2022.The venue of RYC-2022 would be Christ University (Dharmaram)/Christ College at Kengeri.
Theme: In the last council, some proposed the theme,but it was not finalized.Therefore, Fr Lourd Raj asked the members to suggest a theme.After a brief brainstorming session, the floor suggested the following themes;
□ Youth in the Synodal Church, fostering Universal Fraternity
□ Break free, Grow free and Live free (from shackles to freedom, from freedom to purpose; from purpose to service and leadership)
□ Youth striding towards Hope and Liberty
□ Youth breaking free with vision – mission
Some of the members suggested that the theme could be shortened instead of a lengthysentence, which the council members also agreed upon. So the following themes were put forth:
□ Craving
□ Infuse
□ Sparks
□ BGM (Break free, Grow free and Move free)
Finally,the council asked the Regional Director to finalize any one of the above themes.
Theme song: Mr Royston from Karwar volunteered to write the theme song.
Logo: Regarding the Logo, the council members asked the regional director to hold a competition and select the best one.
Registration Fees: When it came to the Registration fee many suggestions were proposed. In the end,Rs. 500/-per head was unanimously agreed upon. The registration should be done online, parish wise and association wise (Jesus youth, AICUF, Hosanna, Don Bosco Youth, YCS/ YSM.s ICYM (between the age group of 16 to 29/30). The participants for RYC 2022 are from each parish with 5 members, from movements like Jesus Youth: 200, Bosco youth: only 100 Catholics; Hosanna 50 members; YCS: diocesan presidents and secretaries: around 200 including the regional team. The spot registration would be Rs 700/- The DYDs should keep up to the commitment they make to the number they promise.
One of the members raised the question of whether politicians could be invited or not? The bishop opined that it would be good toinvite them unlessthey disrupt the programme.
One of the youth suggested that to include one interactive session with the Bishops in which the questions are written prior and only that person will be asked to speak.
Bishop Henry D’Souza said to include a peace rally on the last day in which all the bishops of Karnataka could take part. He also said if possible the new Nuncio can be invited to the convention.
After the agenda discussion,Mr Jose Jacob took the session on meticulous planning and implementation of the Convention. He spoke that every programme should have proper planning and execution to meet the success. He introduced the different committees which would help out the regional convention. The following committees were recommended. He asked the members to volunteer for the committee they were interested in. some youth had come forward to take up the responsibilities.
Welcome and reception committee:
Arrival, registration, and departure committee: Daniel Francis (Mandya), Ebin (Bangalore), Loy Suares
Transportation committee:Prajwal Lopez (Karwar)
Accommodation committee: Mandya and Bangalore
Volunteers committee:Lohith (Bellari)
Food committee:
Liturgy and worship committee:KarunaShalone (Bellary), Roshan (Bangalore: Hosanna youth)
Stage programme committee: JaisonCrasta (Mangalore) Sr Jessy Rita BS
MC and Presenters Committee
Sound and Light Committee
Animation and cultural programme: Fr Pius (Shimoga) Nishal Dsouza (Shimoga)
Rally and public service committee
Promotion, PR and Media Committee: Henry (Chikmagalur), Bindu (AICUF)
Exhibition and Stall Committee:
Security and Order committee
First Aid and Health and Sanitation Committee:
Documentation Committee
Each committee should have a coordinator, a regional rep, a diocesan rep and volunteers.
In the end, the chairman Bishop was asked to bless and launch the Regional Youth Convention-2022 Crosses and the Convention Prayer was prayed.The members were asked to follow the rubrics mentioned in the prayer manual/leaflet. The crosses were distributed to the dioceses. The members were asked to have a dumb box. The mite collected in the dumb box is divided as follows: 50% to the Convention; 25% to the Region; 25% to the diocese.
The Regional Director requested the directors to take the cross to all the parishes and initiate the convention prayer in preparation for RYC-2022. Thus,the meeting came to an end at 1.15pm, followed by lunch.