Shimoga Diocese
Reshape 2k22
Giving Shape to the Dreams and Aspirations of Youth
Reshape 2k22 youth conference of the Diocese of Shimoga was held on 10 December 2022 in the Cathedral Hall, Shivamogga. From various parishes of the Diocese of Shimoga 170 youth took active part in this two-day programme. It all began with Animation that boosted the spirits of the participants who were curious to know what this Reshape all about. Every participant received a resource book and a kit containing essential material for the programme. ‘FREELANCE your Success Path’ by Mr Seetharam Bhat, the director of Canara Bank Self Employment Training Centre, Holaluru detailed the participants on self employment. Session on Cyber Insecurity - You are Hacked!!! by Mr Nikhil form Pentester at Moxiehawk Pvt Ltd was well appreciated. The participants understood how social media can be a boon as well as a bane. The recourse person explained the harmful side of the mobile phones being hacked.
The Christmas competitions that followed were quite thrilling and challenging. The participants put up a good fight! It was a tough job for the judges to judge and award the performances. Group activity conducted by Fr Pius D’Souza gave a clear picture of the activities conducted in the parishes by the ICYM and YCS units. The day ended with a profound expression of gratitude to God for all His wonderful deeds during the day.
The second day began with praising God through the Morning Prayer conducted by Fr Shantharaj SJ, the Assistant Parish Priest of the Cathedral. The Holy Eucharist presided by Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ, the Bishop of the Diocese brought blessings upon the participants. The message that we should be like clay in the hands of God who would melt us, mould and reshape us, as did potter with the clay in Jeremiah 18, was instilled deep in the hearts of the participants.
Joy filled the hearts of the participants as Reshape 2k22 and the Christmas Exhibition were inaugurated by Bishop Francis Serrao. Youth who excelled in various fields of specialization and who made a significant contribution to the youth movement in the Diocese were honoured with Yuva Keerthi Award. The workshops held in different class rooms on Civil Service and Competitive Exams by Mr Jyothi Ganesh Insight IAS; Medical and Health Sciences by Dr Ida from Fr Muller Medical College, Mangalore; Commerce, Arts and Management Courses by Mr Rafiq Mohammad; Self-employment by Mr Seetharam Bhat; Engineering studies by Dr Purushttam Chippar; Vocational Skills and Vocational Taining and other JOC courses Fr Arogya Raj SDB, Bhadravathi and Sr Tresa Lidya BS, Sagar were highly informative, practical and useful. The participants chose to gather information from the field in which they are contemplating to venture in future. The Symposium organised by Dr Pratima gave a good synthesis of what was already imparted in various workshops. Session on ‘scholarship for minorities’ by Mr Nelson the assistant Manager, Lead Band, Shivamogga provided information on the various available scholarships and how to obtain and when to apply for them.
Reshape 2k22 which ended with a concluding ceremony added colours to the event as the results of the online and offline competitions were announced. Harihar ICYM won the award of Yuva-Sourabha 2022. The participants expressed their deep appreciation for Reshape 2k22 and heartfelt gratitude to Fr Pius D’Souza and his team for the meticulous planning and effective execution of the programme. This experience, they said, will always linger in their hearts and minds, for, it has unlocked a storeroom of information and has enabled them to choose the right path in their future carrier which will help them to reach their respective goals. All that began well, ended well!