Logo Launch of the 2nd YCS YSM Karnataka Regional Convention 2024
YCS/YSM Karnataka regional council organized a logo launch event for their upcoming regional
convention on 11th February 2024 at Sandesha Foundation For Culture And Education, Mangaluru
during the Sandesha Awards 2024. Most Rev Dr Peter Machado the Archbishop of Bangalore
archdiocese, Most Rev Dr Henry D'souza the chairman bishop of KRCBC youth commission
Karnataka, Most Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha the Bishop of Mangalore Diocese, Mr U.T. Khader
Honourable Speaker of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly Launched the logo.Rev Fr Lourd Raj the
Regional Chaplain of YCS/YSM Karnataka, Sr Molly Illyckal the Regional Lady Animator of YCS/YSM
Karnataka, Fr Sudeep Paul MSFS Secretary of the commission of communication, Rev Fr Steven
Fernandes the Diocesan Chaplain of YCS/YSM Udupi, Mr Anson Nazareth the National President of
YCS/YSM India,Mr Briston Rodrigues the Regional President of YCS/YSM Karnataka alomg with
Regional Executive Committee members and National Executive committee member Amica Frank,
Mr Sanjay D'souza the Regional President of ICYM Karnataka and Ms Ashley D'souza the Regional
Secretary of ICYM Karnataka, Mr Ranil D'souza Diocesean President and Diocesean Executive
Committee of Mangalore joined the guests in the logo unwailing ceremony. II YCS YSM Regional
Convention 2024 will be held from the 19th to 21st of April 2024 in the Archdiocese Bangalore
hosted by the Archdiocese of Bangalore. The theme being chosen "GEN-Z for a self sustaining world"
with the thrusts of Healthy living, sustenance and voice of the voiceless.Youth from 10 Dioceses of
Karnataka will be taking part in the convention. The Young students and the Chaplains are eagerly
waiting for the upcoming convention to celebrate the youtfulness and unity.