Udupi Diocese
On February 25th, 2024 - ICYM Udupi Diocese organised a YOUCAT
training program - SPIRIT QUEST, for all the deanery's and unit's YOUCAT
incharges. The resource person was Mr. Derick Mascarenhas, an expert
and a prominent trainer in YOUCAT. He was introduced by ICYM Udupi
Diocese president, Mr. Godwin Mascarenhas, and was welcomed by the
Diocese's YOUCAT incharge, Ms. Jane Siona Dsouza.
Mr. Derick Mascarenhas began the session with youcat's Youdepro
processes: 'You know, you meet, you share, you express'.
He explained the Youcat principles. He also spoke about the era of
philosophy. He described the importance of the statement, 'We need to
know what we believe'.
Mr. Derick explained the YOUCAT symbols and their meaning. He later
conducted a group discussion session. He divided the youth into 4 even
groups and gave them 4 unique questions from the YOUCAT book (one
for each group) and asked them to analyse, discuss, and share their
opinions on the matter. All 4 topics were real time issues in the current
world. The youth actively took part in the discussion and then presented
their views on the topic.
Mr. Derick later told them to do the same in their units. To pick a topic
from the YOUCAT book and to have deeper discussions with the fellow
members of the unit. He urged them to have YOUCAT at least once a
month in their respective units.
35 youth had actively taken part in the training program. The event was
concluded with a group photo and lunch.