Bellary Diocese
Yuvavani, Diocese of Bellary
The Diocesan Yuvajanotsava 2023was held on April 21-23 at Loyola College Campus, Manvi.The theme of the convention was “Youth Marching with Faith in Christ”. There were 340 youth participated in this convention enthusiastically. In the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit of the Holy Father Francis addresses young people ‘Christ is Alive and He wants you to be Alive! This convention would be a chance to all young people to become aware of this invitation of our Holy Father.The invited resource persons enlightened the youth how they could walk with Christ in this modernised world so to realize that Christ is alive in their life. They were also called to have higher dreams and vision in their life so that they reach high places in the society. The representatives from Jesus Youth inspired them to listen to the voice of God and make use of the chances given to them through the convention to identify Jesus in each one’s life.
At the outset I extend my words appreciation and gratitude to Rt. Rev. Dr. Henry D’Souza, Bishop of Bellary for his presence and continuous support. We humbly acknowledge the support of Rev. Fr. Leo Perira, Sj and his Community for generously accepting to host this convention in the Loyola College premises. We also appreciate all the Diocesan Executive committee and Youth of Manvi Parish for their hard work which brought success to this convention.