Krcbc - Youth Commission Divyotsava - 2023
KRCBC YOUTH COMMISSION in collaboration with Logos Youth Movement organized the two-day spiritual animation the Regional Lenten Youth Retreat “DIVYOTSAVA-2023”-A fest of Divine Experience on the theme “Listen to Him” from 25-26 March 2023, at Logos Retreat Centre, Bangalore.
Pope Francis in his message for Lent 2023, encouraged Catholics to listen to what Jesus wants to tell them through the Scripture and others. Using the story of Jesus’ Transfiguration as a launching point, the Pope recalled ‘the command that God the Father addresses to the disciples on Mount Tabor as they contemplate Jesus transfigured. The voice from the cloud says; ‘Listen to Him.’ Based on the Pope’s message to the universal church, the region selected the theme “Listen to Him” for the youth retreat. There were 90 members across Karnataka who participated in the retreat. It was a maiden attempt by the regional youth commission to gather the youth for spiritual animation. The Logos Youth Movement was generous enough to host the Spiritual programme.
The registration began at 8.00 am. The participants across Karnataka began to walk into the venue. Meanwhile, the breakfast was served to the participants in the hall. Rev Fr. Anil Prasad, Coordinator KRPPC celebrated the inaugural EucharistFr. Lourd Raj and Fr Steven Fernandes concelebrated in it. After the mass,a short inaugural function was organized. MrNevin Antony welcomed the participants, Fr. Lourd Raj gave the keynote address and RevFr.Varghese Gave some instructions about the retreat centre.
The retreat began with the Praise and Worship led by Abhishek and the team. To help the spiritual life of the youth, all the talks were chosen by their choice. The talks were; Ways to Listen to God’s Voice, Overcoming Sin & Temptation, Importance of Holy Eucharist, Achieving Success through Spiritual Discipline, and Being a Disciple of Christ in the Digital World. The preachers understood the pulse of the youth. Their mighty words through the Word of God sparked their spiritual interest in them. The youth participated in all the sessions prayerfully and encouraged each other. It was not just like any other retreat, the youth had been allowed to interact with the preacher and clarify their spiritual doubts.
Apart from these sessions, Spiritual Counselling was arranged to help the youth to pour out their mental as well as spiritual problem and sufficient time was given tothem to reflect on the theme. The animation and praise and worship inspired the youth. Some of the participants could able to share their spiritual experiences thus they gave testimonies. The participants were actively involved in the YOUCAT study session. The Divine Mercy adoration as well asTaize prayer rejuvenated the youth’s spirit, they adored the Cross devotedly and offered themselves. It was an enriching experience.For some people, the holiness caused them to feel overwhelmed with emotion and moved to tears.
Fr. Varghese who is the Logos Youth Movement director was generous enough to host the DIVYOTSAVA-23 in the retreat centre and provided everything which made it comfortable for the participants to stay and to have a fruitful youth retreat. The whole atmosphere in the venue is carefully structured to make the peoplea divine experience.He even invited the youth to have the spiritual exercise every year in the same venue. All participants appreciated his friendly gesture and caring attitude.
In the end, a short concluding session was organized. Fr. Lourd Raj the Regional Youth Director thanked all the generous people. The Regional team felicitated Rev Fr. Varghese–Logos Retreat Centre Coordinator, Ms Martha –Logos President, Fr. Thomas Kallolikal DYD PUTUR,Rev Fr.StevanFernandes DYD UDUPI. After the tea break,all the youth departed to their Dioceses departed joyfully. The Youth became the channels of God’s peace as they went forth from DIVYOTSAVA.