Belgaum Diocese
The Youth Council of Belgaum Diocese had conducted the following activities in the year 2020 -21.
The Diocesan Youth Commission made an occasion to visit the Youth of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Muntur Road, Hubli. About 40 to 50 youth made themselves available for this vibrant session, conducted by the youth council. They were motivated to share their experience of being a youth and their role in the Parish. It was a very enriching and augment experience to all the members who were present for the session.
A day of Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation were held at St. Paul’s Church, Chetana Colony, Hubli. More than 40 youth availed this spiritual renewal. An interactive session among the youth was opined to share in brief the lockdown experience during Covid-19. The pooling of experiences among everyone was a commendable and well appreciated.
Rev.Fr. Harry, the Director for Youth, Diocese of Belgaum. Fr. Joseph and Fr. Peter Pinto were the mentors who guided the energetic and enthusiastic youth to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation through their spiritual talks and personal spiritual guidance.
On Sunday, 20.12.2020 half a day recollection was held for all the Youth of Hubli- Dharawd deanery. Youth of all the parishes of the said deanery were present for the same. Recollection was held in the last week of Advent as a preparation for Christmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Nearly, 100 youth of different parishes availed this opportunity. Fr. Joseph Rodrigues SDB, gave an opening talk on the theme ‘God of second chance”. It was an enlightening session to enter into one’s own inner life to prepare for a good confession. The day was ended with the Holy Eucharist offered by Fr. Harry Victor, the youth director. A meaningful homily on Mary’s ‘Fiat’, was preached by Fr. Edward SJ. After the mass lunch was served for all the participants.
On January 24 th 2021 Sunday the youth council of Belgaum Diocese met the youth of St. Ignatius of Loyola Church, Gadag at 8.00am in the morning, The Council along with all the youth of the parish celebrated the Holy Eucharist. After the mass all of us gathered in the school hall for an hour session. All the youth were requested to share their experience during the (Covid-19) lock down. After sharing the experience by the youth, the priests and sisters too shared their experience. In the end all the youth were showered with blessing and encouragement to work hard in their respective parishes to be vibrant, lively and to be full of spirit with enthusiasm to work for the welfare of the parish.
On 28.01.2021, the youth council of the Diocese of Belgaum held a convention with the Bishop of Belgaum, V. Rev. Dr. Derek Fernandez and all the priests of Belgaum deanery at Bishop’s house Belgaum at 10.45. am. Along with the Bishop, all the parish priests of the deanery were asked to share the activities, action plans and the projects held in the parish. Some of the priests placed their concerns and the suggestions before the council for which the council agreed to support them. There were 30 priests present for the meeting. His Lordship Bishop Derek encouraged and motivated the gathering to work more enthusiastically and strenuously for the well- being of all the youth of parish and the Diocese and the Church at large.
On 20.02.2021 Saturday the youth council of the diocese met all the parish priests of Khanapur Deanery along with the Bishop V. Rev. Dr. Derek Fernandes. The parish priests were given an opportunity to share the different activities and the works held in the parish. Several of them of good opinion that the youth are vibrant and energetic in serving the parish and take the lead to conduct many activities voluntarily and full of zeal. This rich experience, the positive vibes and the receptivity among the youth was truly enriching and contenting for the gathering. It was a meaningful session to know the enthusiasm of all the priests working with the youth in the parish.