Bangalore Diocese
CAT Programme for the New Directors
10 June, 2017: Bangalore, 10 June 2017; CAT (Chaplains & Animators Training) Programme was organized at KROSS, Bangalore by the CBCI Youth Council from 1 to 10 June 2017. The programme was attendant by 40 youth directors, animators and youth leaders from different dioceses of India.
Three youth directors (Fr Cleavan, DYD of Gulbarga Diocese, Fr Prem OFM, DYD of Ballary diocese, Fr Anil, RYD) and two Lady animators (Sr Stephena and Sr Virginia DYLA of Bangalore Diocese) of Karnataka Region took part in the CAT programme. It was an intensive youth ministry course which catered to the needs of the youth animators in dealing with youth and carrying out effective youth ministry in the church. The programme was steer headed by Fr Deepak Thomas, Secretary to CBCI youth council and ICYM NEXCO Members.