Chairman's Message

My dear young friends,
I greet you most warmly and thank you for being friends of Christ and his Church! You are the present and the future of the Church. The Church has great hopes in you, because you bring energy, vitality and dreams for tomorrow.
Many of you with a thirst for the Word of God and desire for greater holiness of life are drawn to Charismatic Conventions, Retreats, Seminars and other events. Quite of few with zeal for the proclamation of the Word of God are effectively using the modern means of communication such as Internet.
You aware that “Rooted and Built Up in Christ, and Firm in the Faith” (cf. Col 2:7), transformed by faith, you are called to transform the world. Sadly, how can young people encounter those reference points in a society which is increasingly confused and unstable? Youth of today are looking for something more noble, more lofty and “capable of embracing the full measure of what it is to be human” (Pope Benedict XVI).
While the world is focusing on commerce and profit alone, science on mere utility and pragmatism, politics on power, the youth need to look for a more stable point of reference, the “rock” who is Jesus Christ himself.
While the youth are witnessing to a “marginalization of God”, relegating him to the periphery of human existence, youth have difficult task of exploring the Truth of life and God experience. Jesus who is “the Way, the Truth and the Life”, gives meaning to human life and makes every youth capable of achieving what one is called to become.
Therefore, the need of today is help youth to discover the truth proper to the human person – with dignity and honour. The Catholic world view is credible and sound to human reason, capable of bringing youth to seek and encounter truth – always awakening their innate thirst for truth and yearning for transcendence.
Pope Benedict XVI says, “We need to recognize that truth itself will always lie beyond our grasp. We can seek it and draw near to it, but we cannot completely possess it; or put better, truth possesses us and inspires us”. When one fixes the gaze on Christ, his face will radiate the Truth which enlightens us. Christ is also the Way which leads to lasting fulfillment.
Therefore, we appeal to young people, to make Jesus Christ your Friend, and know that he is the answer to your life-questions. Youth need to unflinchingly defend the rights of the unborn and oppose all anti-life policies and practices, upholding the Church’s teachings on Marriage and Family at all costs.
Youth need to equip themselves spiritually, intellectually and emotionally to play a leadership role in the Church and society.
Youth need to foster Inter-Religious Dialogue through openness to people of other religions, willingness to listen to them with respect and understand them with their differences.
Finally, India is a sovereign republic – secular, democratic, progressive and strong - well-respected in the comity of nations. Youth need to play a constructive role in nation building by promoting peace and national integration through inter- religious harmony and by continuation of our struggle against the evils of caste system, corruption in public life, communal politics, crimes against women and children and all divisive forces in society. Inspired by the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ youth need to join the universal campaign to preserve the environment as responsible citizens.
May this website be yet another forum to share information and inspiration, helping the youth to be what they are called to be – the messengers of Good News and promoter of peace in the world. May God, the giver all good gifts, abundantly bless our youth!
With best wishes and blessings,
Bishop Henry D’Souza
Bishop of Bellary and Chairman, KRCBC Youth Commission
Bishop’s House