Shimoga Diocese
YCS/YSM Karnataka Elects New Office Bearers at Don Bosco, Chitradurga
5th September, 2017 : The Karnataka Regional YCS/YSM council had its AGM on 03 September 2017 at CHITHRA, Don Bosco Training Centre in Chitradurga, Shimoga. It was hosted by Yuvamithra, the Youth Commission of the diocese of Shimoga. Six dioceses were represented in this General Body Council. The program started at 9am with a prayer dance by YCS/YSM Central Council Shimoga. This was followed by an Orientation Programme by Fr. Ronald Veigas DYD of Shimoga. It was a formative session in view of electing new office bearers for the Regional Council (RTS) 2017-2019. The outgoing Office bearers headed by Hazel Martis of Udupi diocese was felicitated for their yeomen service in the region. The new office bearers took the oath and were welcomed to the family of REXCO by Fr. Anil D’Sa the RYD of Karnataka Region. The diocese of Shimoga is blessed to have its two representatives Sonia Nazareth being elected as President from Sagar Parish and Manish as Joint Secretary from Bhadravathi Paper Town Parish for 2017-2019. The diocese of Shimoga is proud of its YCS/YSM members and wishes them all the best in the service of the region.
The newly elected office bearers are the following;
President: Sonia Nazereth from Shimoga diocese
Secretary: Royden Colaco from Mangalore Diocese
Treasurer: Ashline Venitia D'souza from Udupi diocese
Reporter/Editor: Enosh from Belgaum Diocese
Vice President: Shon Mendoca from Udupi diocese
Joint Secretary: Manish from Shimoga Diocese
Liturgy Secretary: Lydia from Belgaum Diocese
Sports & Cultural Secretary: Vidya from Mangalore Diocese
The meetings was concluded through an outing to the historical port at Chitradurga.