Director's Message

Karnataka Regional Youth Commission (KRYC) is the one of well organized Commissions in Karnataka, India. Having a Secretary as a full timer is another blessing for the Commission. In the beginning, it was not an easy road to walk, now it is formed into a good shape, it is because of many people`s sweat and struggle like Bishops, Priests, Religious and surly youth of Karnataka who have worked hard and working still.
Under the banner of ICYM and YCS/YSM it has touched even remote parishes and schools of Karnataka, later there were other youth movements came into existence in order to serve the youth. KRYC works as an umbrella where all the movements find place. It encourages all the movements to work in their limitations to fulfill their vision, mission and goal according to Christ inspiration.
The dedicated service of spiritual chaplains, secretaries and office bearers of the movements in different level makes youth to find foundation for their life in the church. Keeping in mind, the changing modern world, reading the signs of time, it aims to inspire everyone to become transformers of the society. By having a concrete pastoral plan for every three years, KRYC considers the youth needs and challenges of the youth, accordingly the plans are drawn for the next three years. We can say that it is the first Regional Youth Commission in India having separate pastoral plan for every three years.
On one side, we may boast saying, we are a well formed commission, and on the other the youth who attracted by the world are faced with lots of problems and challenges. In perusal of employment and quality education there is a great number of youth who migrated from villages to the cities and towns, through which the youth are cutoff from traditional family life. They become silent victims of broken relationships. They are undergoing stress like pre-marital relationships, identity crisis, loss of sense of sin, addicted to bad habits, and the presser of performance and competitiveness. At last many feel, “before living a life, they want to end their life”. Therefore the number of young people who are committing suicide is increasing day by day.
Keeping all these in mind, youth commission has to work for the upliftment of the youth of all ages and form them in every walk of life. The continued support from Regional Bishops, Secretaries, Coordinators and youth leaders of Karnataka will make possible to reach the goal of KRYC. This commission has “miles to go and promise to keep”. Let us not forget our vision: Enlightened, Empowered and Dedicated Rural and Urban Catholic Youth for a better world.