Shimoga Diocese
Leadership Traning For REXCO’S And DEXCO’S
18th & 19th January, 2020 : Karnataka Regional Youth Commission organized two days Leadership Training Program on 18th and 19th January 2020 at Chaithanya, SMSSS Shimoga. Around 35 ICYM leaders from diocese of Bangalore, Bellary, Belthangady, Chikmagalur, Karwar, Mangalore, Mysore, Shimoga and Udupi participated in the said training.
The REXCO team took over all responsibilities for the 2 days leadership programme. On the first day (18.01.2020), Rt. Rev Dr. Francis Serrao Bishop of Shimoga inaugurated the Programme. Fr. Lourd Raj Regional Youth Director, Fr. Francis, Regional Secretary of Bible & Catecatical commission, Rev Sr. Jessy Rita, RYLA, Fr. Thomas, DYD representative of Regional, Fr. Pius D’souza DYD Shimoga, Sr. Helen Morris, DYLA of Shimoga Mr. Jaison Perriera, President, Karnatka Region, Mr. Pradeep, Youth President, Shimoga Diocese, were Present along with Bishop for the inaugural Session.
Ms Lissy from Bellary invoked God’s blessings. Mr. Jaison Pereira the president of REXCO welcomed the gathering. The programme was inaugurated by Rt. Rev Dr. Francis Serrao, Bishops of Shimoga by watering the Saplings. Ms Krithika, general secretary, compeered the programme.
Rev. Bishop Francis Serrao gave presidential address. He said that a leader must have a Vision. Vision of Jesus was to establish the kingdom of God. Jesus had a vision both in His birth as well as death. God in the crib gave us a glimpse of what the his kingdom should be like, a place where all people irrespective of any facts are accepted and included, whether they are infant or old, people or animals, wise or illiterate, God or human, sky or earth, saints or angels, Jews or Gentiles, poor or rich, a place where everyone co-exists in harmony. When Jesus was being hanged, there were 2 thieves with him waiting to be hanged. One of the thieves said to Jesus that if you are the son of God, save yourself and me while the other thief requested to Jesus to remember him when in heaven to which Jesus replied, that ‘you will be with me in paradise’. These two incidents illustrate his long vision for humanity. Jesus came to serve not to be served.
Bishop also made us to think what our vision is for the Region or Diocese as Youth. We need to cling on to our identity. Our identity is we are children of God. So bishop told us to be a Christian leader. His talk was very motivating and guiding. His Speech ignited the minds of all the young leaders present there.
After inauguration, tea break was given and then first session began. Rev.Fr. Francis Xavier Joseph was the resource person for the session. The Class began with an activity of bursting of balloons. Summary of the game was that one should communicate effectively and should listen to thing very carefully.
He spoke about social media. It is the source of communication, which increases Knowledge, Relationship, and Information. Mass communication, one should understand the latest trends of social media. He also explained the advantages and disadvantages of social media. His class gave us lot of information about latest trends of social media. This session was followed by mid day prayer by Sr. Jessy and Rev.Fr. Lourd Raj blessed us.
After Lunch second session commenced at 2.40 pm. He divided the people into 5 groups.
The session highlighted on the importance of Values. He explained what a value is. He categorized valued into 4types. They are
I) Personal Value,
ii) Social Values,
iii) Moral Values,
iv Spiritual Values
Later we had a tea break. At 4pm REXCO engaged the session on importance of ICYM movement in the life of youth. Later Holy Eucharist was offered, followed by Adoration which gave us a rich spiritual experience to all of us.
After the dinner we had a fun time followed by short evaluation of the day for REXCO. All dispersed for sleep at 10 pm.
19-01-2020 (2nd day)
The second day of Leadership Training Programme began with morning worship at 7:00am. After the breakfast all gathered in the hall to hear Mr. Francis D’Souza the resource person of the first session. His session included a lot of activities and personal experiences. His key note was about Team spirit. He expanded TEAM- Together, Everyone, Achieve More. Team is group of people with various complementary skills working together, towards a common vision. Working in a team gives better results than individual.
Second session was taken by Rev.Fr. George Lobo. It was a question answer session and was very interactive session. He explained what the five stages of church are. They are:
i) Priest centered church
ii) PPC centered church,
iii) Awaken church,
iv) Organizers church
v) People centered church.
Fr. Veeresh Moras was the resource person for the 3rd session. The session began with an action song. He dealt with the topic of leadership. He said that a leader should be extra ordinary, he should dream big, should have self confidence, like Abraham Lincoln, knowledge can come from any corner of the world, should have power of positive things.
We concluded the two days Leadership Training Program through Holy Eucharist celebrated by Rev Fr. Felix Noronha the Vicar General of Shimoga Diocese. Finally Fr. Lourd Raj Regional Secretary thanked Bishop, Hosting Diocese, Director of SMSSS, DYDs, REXCO, DEXCO, Resource Persons and all the Participants. The two days programme was filled with a lot of inputs on Leadership as well as Team Work and much Fun.