Udupi Diocese
YCS Convention at Udupi, Shirva Deanery
31st August, 2017: The members of YCS Shirva Deanery held yearly "Samavesh" (Get Together) under the slogan "To Build a New Society" at St. John's Academy, Shankerpura Pangla on 27th August 2017.
The whole day event was attended by large number of YCS members from Shirva deanery parishes along with their animators, co-ordinators and Councils. “See, Judge and Act" under this goal the members were inspired by a well known resource person from Bejai Mangalore Mr. Patrick Braggs highlighted many fields through which the students can be benefitted and also have been advise on select their respective field of education, career guidance and jobs.
The whole day event began at 10am by a warm welcome by Ornel D’Sa (YCS President) Pangla Parish to the guests of the day namely Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Gonsalves (Parish Priest, Pangla), Rev. Fr. Paul Rego (YCS Director, Shirva Deanery), Rev. Fr. Royson Fernandes (Asst. Parish Priest, Pangla), Mr. Patrick Braggs (Resource Person), Mr. Mark Vaz (Vice President Parish Council), Mrs. Clara Mendonsa (Secretary, Parish Council), Ms. Jane Mendonsa (Animator, YCS Shirva Deanery), Marvin Quadras (YCS President, Shirva Deanery) and Ms. Cenella Nazreth (YCS Secretary).
The "Samavesh" was inaugurated with lighting of the traditional lamp by all dignitaries on the dais. Fr. Ferdinand in his key note address said that the annual get-together is an opportunity to all YCS members of the deanery to come together and create a bond of unity, togetherness and spend a few hours and participate in the activities with team spirit. He quoted one of the famous quote from former President of India Abdul Kalam “Small aim is a crime, Have a great aim". Fr. Ferdinand urged members to dream big and on that dream build your future and career. Nothing is impossible if there is a will and work towards it relentlessly he advised to all YCS members gathered.
The whole day activities began with a talk and presentation on career guidance by resource person of the day Mr. Patrick Braggs and followed by Bible Quiz by Fr. Paul Rego. The morning session was conducted by Ms. Jane Mendonsa (Animator, YCS Shirva Deanery).
The afternoon session involved Fancy Dress Competition and Dance performance based on Environment.
For this great competition the two famous former YCS members were invited as judges. i.e. Ashmitha Correa from Kundapur and Elson D’souza from Hirgan, both are former YCS presidents in their respective parishes and have been involved in youth formation, coordinating various activities of the youth throughout the Udupi diocese.
The fancy dress items presented by all teams were unique. One was based on modern youth and how the current technology (Mobiles and social media) attracts youth and time is wasted etc. (Pangla Parish). The two more items were based on loss of environment especially by deforestation presented by (Shirva and Pamboor youth). It highlighted the destruction of environment by deforestation and due to that pollution and other ills such as bad health, drying of water, death of animals and birds which were presented beautifully and meaningfully by these youth. Finally it stressed on importance of keeping our land clean and to create a clean environment for all to live peacefully.
The final was dance competition and yet again the dance performances were really amazing i.e. folk dances with all the props involving farming background, nature and farming items. The dances were a treat to watch and everyone enjoyed them.
The valedictory session was attended by Rev. Fr. Paul Rego, Rev. Fr. Vincent Coelho (Principal, St. John’s PU College), Rev. Fr. Canute Noronha (Asst. PP Shirva), Shirva Deanery Animators, Presidents and Secretaries on the dais.
Speaking on the occasion Fr. Vincent Coelho appreciated whole day get-together which was well organized by all leaders involved from Shirva Deanery. He thanked everyone involved in co-ordination, arrangements etc. He further said that the values the YCS learned during the process of the day must be implemented in our daily life. He was especially referring to the environment theme such as Clean Environment, avoid use of Plastics and keeping our areas clean. It is very much appreciated the way you have presented here but it must be followed by action he stressed to all members to follow in their daily life. Your goal it should be he said build a new society and only when you dedicate yourself towards this goal you will be successful in life.
Fr. Paul Rego speaking on the occasion thanked all members, leaders, animators, Pangla Parish YCS members especially for organizing the event.
The two judges Elson and Ashmitha also spoke on the occasion and advised a few tips on better presentation of items such as expression, act and presentation. They both said the items presented by them today were of great quality and it was really tough to judge but they have to consider two team who really excelled above other teams.
Ashmitha read out the names of the winners to the much awaiting, eager team members. The final winners were: YCS Shirva stood 1st (Fancy Dress, Dance and Bible), and YCS Pamboor (2nd Place). The final trophies were distributed to the winners by dignitaries on the dais.
The event concluded with YCS Anthem and a few dances.