Udupi Diocese
YCS Life Skill Programme @Udupi Diocese
15th October, 2017: YCS Udupi Diocese Life Skill Training Programme was held at St. Joseph’s School, Belman from 11th to 14th October 2017. The camp was formally inaugurated by Fr. Edwin D’Souza Director YCS Udupi Diocese along with Mr. Alwyn Agera Vice President & Mr. Paustine D’Souza Secretary Belman Parish, Sr. Usha Stella Superior Belman Convent, Mr. Melwyn Castelino & Mrs. Lydia Aranha Animators YCS Udupi Diocese, Merwyn Rodrigues Diocesan YCS President & Secretary Dilan Dias.
Fr. Richard D’Souza, Prof. Ronald Moras & Mr. Francis D’Cunha were the Resource persons for the Training Programme. Sessions relating to Self Analysis, Communication Skills, Gestures, Group Activity, Games, Action Songs, Group Discussion, Self Evaluation, Cultural & Talent Shows etc were conducted. Mr. Norbert Misquith conducted the Taize Prayer for the students.
Around 64 YCS Students actively took part in the 4 day residential training programme