The report of the world parents day
The Karnataka Regional Youth commission in collaboration with Holy Ghost Church Youth organised World day of Grandparents and Elderly on 25 th July 2021 at Cheshire Old Age home, Whitefield in Bangalore.
The place was well set to welcome us. The programme began at 3 pm by invoking God’s presence amidst us. It began with introducing one another. Mr Arun Patrick from Holy Ghost Church who compeered the programme explained, in a nutshell, the importance of the day as well as their presence in the family.
Sr. Anne DC the superior of Cheshire Old age home expressed her feelings of happiness to see young people among the elderly. She also advised them not to abandon their parents as they grow old. Sr. Magdalene DC the joint secretary of KRYC spoke in Tamil language saying that, grandparents were our blessings. We need to listen to them and get advise to form our lives.
Fr. Lourd Raj RYD of Karnataka in his address quoted the words of Pope Francis saying that they were the resources and treasures of our lives. He continued saying that they had lived their life with rich experiences. We need those experiences to enrich our lives. In the end, he also gave a piece of advice to all the youth to care for the elderly at our home by giving some time to listen to them and a special place in our hearts to admire them.
The enthusiastic youth had come with a lot of preparation to entertain elderly people. They had performed dances, puppet shows, sang songs for them, conducted games and cut the cake to celebrate their day. The inmates were very much taken up. Some of them were emotional to see young people around them. Even they remembered their good old days with their grandchildren. Apart from that, the youth had arranged snacks for all the inmates and even gave them a small presentation as a token of love.
The youth had taken an oath that they would respect and love their parents and would not abandon them. After the vote of thanks, the youth had spent quality time with inmates and received their blessings. In the end, we had a photo together and presented a colourful handprint chart to them.
It was one of the unforgettable days in their life, expressed all the youth.
I thank Fr. Anthonyswamy CSsR the parish priest Holy Ghost Church, Fr Luis Vijay CSsR youth director and Fr. Anil D’sa SDB youth director, Archdiocese Bangalore for their support and cooperation. With gratefully I remember Mr Arun Patrick for gathering and bringing together the parish youth to celebrate a day.