ICYM Mangalore Diocese
26th January, 2020 : ‘To Meet, To Know & To Share’ North East Christian Youth Interact With Other Youth At ‘YOU MEET 2020’
With an aim ‘To Meet, To Know & To Share’ North East Christians Youth Connected with other Christian Youth at ‘YOU MEET’, a interaction session in view of “Year of Youth’ organized by India Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM)- Mangaluru Diocese in association with Jesus Youth Mangaluru, at St Aloysius High School Hall, on Sunday, 26 January 2020 at 9.30 am.
In the view of “Year of the Youth” launched by Bishop of Mangaluru Diocese Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha last year, and moved forward with various activities, beginning of New Year 2020 saw yet another unique programme, where India Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM)-Mangaluru Diocese in association with Youth Jesus Mangalore, organized “YOU MEET 2020” , in order To Meet, To Know, and To Show, a interaction session between the North East Christian Youth and Youth of the South and other states, held at St Aloysius High School Hall, on Sunday, 26 January 2020 at 9.30 am.
This unique programme coinciding with India 71st Republic Day brought together a large number of Christian youth from North East like Manipur, Nagaland, Meghalaya & others with Christian Youth from other states, especially the South comprising Kerala, Karnataka, Goa among others. The programme was presided over by Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangaluru and Chairman of Youth Commission, while the Chief Guest for the programme was Fr Dionysius Vaz SJ, the Rector of St Aloysius Institutions, who inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp along with other dignitaries on the dais, namely- Fr Ronald Prakash D’Souza-the Secretary, Youth commission and director of ICYM Mangaluru diocese; Ms Kaini Cecilia, Advisor to North East People Association Mangaluru ( NEPAM ) Ms Ashal Benny- coordinator Jesus Youth Mangaluru; Leon Loyd Saldanha-President, ICYM, Mangaluru diocese and Ms Veena Vas- secretary, ICYM, Mangaluru diocese.
Speaking to august gathering Ms Kaini Cecilia said, “I give glory and honour to God for bringing us together for this unique programme, a first of its kind where youth from different states have come to meet, know each other and show each other, and share views under the leadership of Bishop Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha. There are lot of North East Christian youth studying in various institution in DK/Mangaluru. It was Fr Yanlumo Yanthan, a Jesuit from Kohima who had come to st Aloysius College for his studies felt the need to form a organization, and thus North East Peoples’ Association Mangalore (NEPAM) was formed, with a motto to ‘Strive, Unite and Lead’. Since then Fr Dionysius Vaz SJ the Rector of St Aloysius Institution has lend his great support and encouragement to NEPAM”
She further said, “Just like me when I did my nursing education in Manipal I was alone with not many students trying to communicate or interact, similar has been the case at present. So in order to bridge a gap between the North East Christian youth and youth from other states, I had requested Rector and also later met the Bishop, and thus this You Meet programme was planned, which I feel will go a long way in uniting youth from different states. My only support was Jesus Youth in Manipal when I was lonely and needed support. In Holy Bible-Mathew 18:20 it says ‘Where two or three gather in My name there I Am in their midst’, and yes Jesus was there in our midst and being in Youth Jesus all the time, I successfully completed my studies in Manipal in Nursing, and now I am pursuing my Phd. I cherish those days traveling from Manipal to Mangaluru (Bishop’s House) for Youth Jesus Night Vigil and those were the activities which had enriched me in the dimensions of my life. I am positive that this ‘You Meet’ will bring a change and make a difference among the youth”
The programme began with a welcome dance performed by Jesus Youth, along with a prayer song led by Ms Minol Braggs and team. The welcome address was delivered by Leon Saldanha, followed by briefing of the ‘You Meet 2020’ programme by Fr Ronald D’souza. In his inaugural address Fr Dionysius Vaz SJ said, “The present Education comprises of Learning, Loving and Living, which comes from heart of Jesus. We are here today to show the world that Christians are a loving and peaceful community, practicing our faith with passion. The challenges to the present youth are- Challenge to be original without losing your identity; Challenge to be free without losing your responsibility; Challenge to love without losing your ability to sacrifice; Challenge to be media educated without being media addicted; and Challenge to be critical thinkers”.
Fr Vaz further said, “While we are celebrating Republic Day , we are a sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic republic. Mahatma Gandhi had said that the notion of democracy is that under it the weakest should have the same opportunity as the strongest. Dr Ambedkar had said ‘ One person, one vote is political democracy. One person and one value is real democracy. The preamble of the Constitution is the mirror of India’s Future way of Life. Today, if there is no money, there’s no voice! While concluding, I want to leave you all with an imagery -Roots and Wings. Roots to remind you where you are from, family, education , culture etc ; and Wings to show what you can become, looking forward to opportunities, vision and dreams. The journey within is long and tough, but the rewards are beyond price.
Bishop Dr Peter Paul Saldanha in his presidential address said,, “I am overwhelmed to see you all youngsters here for this unique programme, and also while we are celebrating Republic Day. There is a difference between Political Democracy and Real democracy- and we should distance ourselves from the former. The idea of having this unique interaction between the youth of different states was not mine, but it was Ms Kaini Cecilia, who wanted to unite the North East Christian Youth with youth from the South part of India. Quoting Henry Ford “Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”, therefore while you are all gathered here don’t feel like an alien, instead grab this opportunity to meet, to know and to show, and make a difference. Be active and make this You Meet 2020 a successful and fruitful one. I know you all youngsters can do it”.
The Ice breaking and Youth Cafe Session was conducted by Dheeraj Sequeira, a lecturer in English at St Aloysius College .Thereafter Bishop Dr Peter Paul Saldanha celebrated the Holy Eucharistic Mass at the St Aloysius Chapel. After a group photo and bunch of selfies, the programme concluded with a delicious lunch. Ms Ashal Benny, coordinator, Jesus Youth Mangaluru, proposed vote of thanks, 400 youth actively participated in the program. Ms Vishma D’cunha-the Vice President of ICYM compared the program..