Gulbarga Diocese
Dexco Election and Youth Animators Training Programme on 24-25 June 2023
Two days of training for the ICYM office-bearers and youth animators of the Gulbarga diocese was held on 24-25 June 2023 at Sugyan, the pastoral centre of the diocese. Most Rev Dr. Robert Michael Miranda, the bishop of Gulbarga, Rev. FrStany Lobo, VG of Gulbarga diocese, FrLourd Raj,the Regional Youth Director, Mr.Naveen Anthony, the Regional Youth President, Fr.Sachin Christy, the Youth Director of Gulbarga Diocese, SrLeenaBenis, Lady Animator of the Diocese were the chief guests.The program commenced by lighting the lamp. Bishop congratulated the youth on their success as he delivered aPresidential speech. As he continued, he said, “The youth of those days experienced a tremendous change, and now, thanks to the education aid provided by the diocese, they are excelling in different fields and are benefiting from it.” In the Dexcoelection, the newly elected ICYM office bearers of all the parishes and mission centres participated, which was conducted by FrLourd Raj, the regional youth director. Following that, participants were led to elect a worthy candidate for the DEXCO team,and the event was successful. During the Eucharistic celebration, DEXCO members pronounced the oath in the presence of Fr Sachin Christy, youth director of Gulbarga and FrLourdRaj, the Regional Youth Director.
The Regional youth director FrLourd Raj and the regional youth president Mr Naveen Anthony spoke about how the youth activities taking place on the diocese level are connected with regional and national levels. They also spoke on the duties and responsibilities of youth. Group was led into activities, and made the session more interesting. Nearly 65 members participated in the session and benefitted from it. The whole event was coordinated by Fr.Sachin Christy and Sr.LeenaBennisBS.
The Following Members are Elected:
President : Peter Jaivanth, Ujini
Vice - President : Veena, Sacred Heart, Bidar
Secretary : Asha Rani, Santhpur
Tresurer : Pavan, Talmadge
Joint Secretary : Arogya Samy, Shahabad
Media Co-ordinator : Stany, Bidar
Youcat Co-ordinator : Malashri, Humnabad
Youcat Co-ordinator : Prashanth, Halbarga
Sports secretary : Rahul, Itga
Program Co-ordinator : Pracilla, Jalasangi
Program Co-ordinator : Roshal, Sedam
Fr Sachin Christy
Youth Director
Gulbarga Diocese
Sr Leena Bennis
Lady Animator
Gulbarga Diocese