Karwar Diocese
YUVOTSAVA 2K18 at Kone deanery of Karwar Diocese
19th February, 2018 : YUVOTSAVA 2K18 was held on 18 February 2018 under the leadership of Youth Coordinator Fr Johnson Fernandes along with the support of youth Diocesan director Fr Royston Gonsalves and co-operation of youth office bearers of Kone deanery. The event highlighted the theme “Emerging leaders of Jesus”. In order to motivate youth to take initiative in all the church activities, which will nourish the catholic base.
The programme began with prayer song by the animation team led by Mr Michael Rodriguez which helped all to invoke the blessing on the event. Inauguration was followed by the holy eucharist celebrated by the Bishop Derik. He delivered a valuable message on overcoming temptation in life, which was indeed overwhelming.
1st panel discussion was held at 11:45 am which was moderated by Rev Fr Holenston D'souza and the panel discussion was led by Mr Prakash Anthony hailing from Pune and have migrated here to serve in mission. He specifically focused on the topic “Emerging leaders of Jesus” and spoke about the participation of the youth in growth of our church. This was followed by 2nd panel discussion which started at 12:30 pm considering the topic “Challenges faced by the Youth”. The panel discussion was led by Fr Peter D'souza (Parish Priest, Chendia) which was moderated by Msgr Simon Tellis, the main emphasis was laid on the problems faced by youth such as unemployment, not getting perfect match and the bad habits which have led our youth astray. This discussion created a good impact on the audience, since the topic was relating to most of them present there, they started sharing their problem so this was ended up by proposing certain plans which will be implemented later by Catholic Association.
Then the program was suspended for lunch break, after which the animation team came up with the action songs which boosted up the energy of the udience and was helpful to grab the attention of the audience in the next session, wherein the stage program was scheduled. Bishop was the main chief guest along with the other dignitaries . Mr Nelson welcomed all the distinguished dignitaries . Rev Fr Royston Gonsalves( Youth Director), Mr Michael Rodrigues( The Present Diocese Youth President), and Mr Prajwal Lopis (The Former Diocese Youth President) were felicitated for the services rendered by them. Annual reports of all the parishes were read out by the youth secretaries of the each parishes and then Fr Johnson delivered the vote of thanks.
Many games and fund activites were organized for the youth which was liked by all and made them exuberant. Towards the end of the programme, the winners were honored with prizes and the YUVOTSAVA 2K18 came to an end with the thanks giving prayer song.